43 headline amp label
PDF FIFRA Sec. 2(ee) Recommendation Title: Microsoft Word - Headline AMP NVA 2019-04-343-0250 corn 12-12-2019_2ee Multi.doc Author: AlmondJL Created Date: 12/12/2019 6:12:05 PM Headline AMP - BASF fungicide Follow the most restrictive labeling requirements of any tank mix product. Headline AMP can be tank mixed with most recommended fungicides. However, all varieties and cultivars have not been tested with possible tank mix combinations. Local conditions can also influence crop tolerance and may not match those under which BASF has conducted testing.
Viewing a thread - Headline on Beans-Yea or Nay They were using several different fungicides but he said that Headline AMP always gave the most kick and response. I have never tried it but would like to try some fungicide on beans at some point. ... Doesnt the label say around R3? I cant remember atm. Oliver1: Posted 7/2/2013 21:06 (#3187741 - in reply to #3187546) Subject: RE: Headline on ...

Headline amp label
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